Appliance Advice
Dalzell’s of Markethill has been established for more than fifty years, as such we as your local kitchen appliance and television store are accredited by a large number of industry organisations and manufacturers. This means we have the experience, knowledge and training to answer all your questions and to provide you with expert advice and answer all your questions on domestic appliances, small appliances, home electricals and home entertainment.
So, be you in Belfast, Lisburn or Dublin visit Dalzell’s of Markethill, Northern Ireland’s favourite electrical appliance store for the best advice, service and prices.

Why Maintain Your Washing Machine?
Washing Machines are very much part of our everyday lives and yet surprisingly few of us know how to clean and maintain our Washing Machines to get the best from them.
With a little bit of helpful and easily followed advice you can:
- - Extend The Life Of Your Washing Machine
- - Save Money
- ...
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Save Cash By Ordering Now!
Are you thinking about changing your Kitchen in the New Year or the Spring? Are you putting of the purchase of that big 3D Television for your living room to the New Year Sales? If so. Don't! you need to Contact Dalzell's of Markethill today for the Best Deal, Unbeatable Value and Free Delivery ...
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Christmas Club Now Open!
Our in-store Christmas Club at Dalzell's of Markethill is now open, call in and visit us today to reserve your Christmas Gifts with a nominal 10% deposit. Not only will this secure your chosen goods to 5:30pm on Christmas Eve but you'll also benefit from our Free Gift Wrapping Service on all your goods!
This ...
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What's Happening At Dalzells
This year’s Energy Saving Week is running from Monday the 25th to Sunday the 31st of October 2010. At Dalzells we're fully behind the concept and goals of the Energy Saving Trust, especially as we're an Energy Saving Recommended Retailer of kitchen appliances and home entertainment goods.
To celebrate Energy Saving Week 2011 the Energy Saving Trust will be setting up an Advice Stand in-store on Wednesday 27th October to provide Free Impartial Energy ...
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The Toshiba REGZA VL Series of HD LED TVs
Toshiba has unveiled its latest series of HD LED TVs. Although not realised for sale until the end of October we thought we'd let you have an advance look see! The REGZA VL series are being billed by Toshiba as a 'premium range of Full HD LED TVs'.
Available as a 40" (102cm) ...
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Energy Saving Recommended Retailer!
We are proud to announce that Dalzell's of Markethill and Armagh has been accredited by the Energy Saving Trust as an Energy Saving Recommended Retailer of Kitchen Appliances and Home Entertainment Goods for the second year running! We're all very honoured in-store and online to be able to sport the newly branded 'Certification Mark' and we look forward to working with the Energy Saving Trust over ...
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Independent electrical retailers have scored highly in the latest
'Retail Satisfaction Survey' conducted by the independent consumer magazine
Independent electrical retailers were placed third overall in the Which? 'Retail Satisfaction Survey' of ninety-six U.K. retailers. The only electrical retailer who ranked higher than independent electrical retailers was John Lewis, who came second.
Which? magazine judged retailers on a number of important factors including the available products, the retail environment, staff and convenience. High scorers impressed customers with their staff knowledge and a pleasant shopping environment. This proves once again that there's more to customer satisfaction than price alone, customer service remains ...
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