In The News
Occasionally Dalzell’s of Markethill feature in the local news for our work in the community, sponsorship, accreditation and competitions. Where we do we’ll bring it to you here. Sometimes… We’re featured just for being soo cheap (RTE’s Afternoon Show and the Irish Times)!

Responsible Business
As a family business that takes its responsibilities to its suppliers seriously and with a number of wholesale customers of our own we know all too well the importance of prompt payment.
As such we are pleased to announce that we have become a proud supporter of 'The Pay On Time' campaign and we have committed ourselves to the principles it upholds! We hope that this draws a line in the sand to all too often poor excuses. Any business can have cashflow problems from ...
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Nordmende Kitchen Appliances
Nordmende has quickly become one of the most exciting new brands of Kitchen Appliances in Ireland with their clean lines, unbeatable value and generous 3 Year Warranty!
With an ever increasing range of both Freestanding and Built-In Appliances available from Nordmende we at Dalzells are becoming big fans of this highly capable brand. It appears that we're not alone in our growing respect.....
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Gas Safety Week 2013
Gas Safety Week is upon us again, the annual event highlights Gas Safety and the importance of taking care of the Gas Appliances in your home. Promoted by the Gas Safe Register, we at Dalzell's of Markethill, as a responsible retailer fully support the campaign.
Despite there being a good general awareness that gas appliances need to be safety checked annually 43% of people don’t do it and 10% have gas appliances which shockingly have never been checked (Gas Safety Week Research 2011).
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Shopping For A Bed Or Mattress?
If your shopping for a new Divan Bed or Mattress some time soon or if you know someone who is you might want to consider our sister store, Dalzells Beds! Located adjacent to our Home Appliance Store in Markethill they've similarly been established since 1956 and have a wealth of bedding experience with a wide selection of top name brands among their offering.

We've Partnered
At Dalzell's of Markethill we're always looking for new ways to speak with our customers and to improve our customer service. Having been established for almost 60 Years we think we're pretty good at it but there's always room for improvement and new things we can do to add to your shopping experience. As such we'll now be contacting many of our existing and new customers for a helpful review.
Tell us what we do well, what we can improve on and any new service you feel we should or could ...
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RDI Approved Retailer!
Dalzell's of Markethill have this week been accredited as the RDI's (Registered Digital Institute) 1st Approved Retailer in Northern Ireland!
A Dalzells we're excited about the new opportunities this partnership presents and the confidence it'll provide to our many loyal customers when shopping with us for the latest Home Entertainment.
About The RDI
The Registered Digital Institute is the digital installation sectors professional body and trade organisation for ...
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National DAB Transmitter
On July 26th Northern Ireland will take the next step towards the upcoming Digital Radio Switchover with the Switch-on of a National DAB Transmitter. The new National DAB Transmitter will provide listeners in Northern Ireland with a new range of stations on their DAB Radios with improved sound quality among the many other clever digital features that can be availed from a DAB signal.
15 New DAB Stations!
DAB listeners in Northern Ireland will be able be able to ...
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Independent Retailing
As an Independent Retailer with nearly 60 Years of history we've seen many changes on the high street. The pace of change though in recent years has accelerated at speeds never before seen, be it the Internet or planning laws that have brought about out of town shopping. The challenges are many but certainly not insurmountable.
At Dalzell's of Markethill we can meet and better these challenges in every way!
Winston Henry
All at Dalzells were saddened to hear of the peaceful passing earlier last month of local mechanic and rally legend Winston Henry.
Working in partnership with our drivers and his sons at his famed garage on Gosford Road, Markethill with great dedication that our vans and lorries were reliably kept on the road for several decades whatever the weather conditions and time constraints. This close and long standing relationship with us led to an enduring friendship, trust and admiration of his many talents.
As such, we at Dalzells enjoyed the great privilege of sponsoring Winston's ...
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Dalzell's of Markethill have today joined the Love2Shop Retailer Network in Northern Ireland! Love2Shop is part of the High Street Voucher Group, one of the UK's largest voucher reward schemes with hundreds of thousands of people each year receiving reward vouchers from employers, retailers and competitions.
How Do I Use Love2Shop Vouchers?
Love2Shop Vouchers work for our customers in much the same way as cash and are available in £1, £5 and £10 denominations, simply hand them over at the point of payment in-store. Love2Shop Vouchers can be used to ...
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