In The News
Occasionally Dalzell’s of Markethill feature in the local news for our work in the community, sponsorship, accreditation and competitions. Where we do we’ll bring it to you here. Sometimes… We’re featured just for being soo cheap (RTE’s Afternoon Show and the Irish Times)!

Hotpoint Celebrates 100 Years!
Hotpoint, the UK's largest and most trusted Kitchen Appliance Retailer has celebrated their centenary. Happy Birthday! We've been retailing Hotpoint Kitchen Appliances for more than 50 Years, at one time we were even their distributor for the whole of Northern Ireland!
We're still very proud of our long history with this fantastic brand which is reflected in the fact that we are not only their largest retailer in Northern Ireland, but ...
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We at Dalzell's of Markethill are very excited in-store as this week we added another fantastic luxury brand to our ever growing list. As we are now an official KitchenAid Retailer for Northern Ireland! We have taken a number of items from the huge KitchenAid catalogue into stock including the famous KitchenAid Artisan Stand Mixer. What's more we have some great Promotions to celebrate this new arrival to our store!
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We at Dalzell's of Markethill have provided a Wedding Gift List Service for many hundreds of Brides and Grooms in N.I. over our long history. It's something with which we have always taken great pride in and today we believe we have taken this fine tradition to a new level with a dedicated Online Wedding Gift List Service at

View Wedding Lists and Purchase Online
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Please check your Beko Fridge Freezer Now
Beko have issued an important safety notice in regards of several Fridge Freezers (model numbers listed below) manufactured by them between January 2000 and October 2006. Full details about the fault, the implications if not fixed and an apology can be viewed in full on the Beko Website. Many of these models were sold by us and many other independent and multiple electrical retailers across the UK and ...
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Are You Gas Safe?
Modern gas appliances are kind to the environment, economical, responsive and perfectly fit a busy modern lifestlye and we're big fans of them here at Dalzell's of Markethill. Whether it be a Range Cooker, Cooker, <...
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Independents' Day!
Yesterday, July 4th was the inaugural UK Independents' Day for our local high streets independent retailers. Launched with great success and with the backing of a number of supporting retail and local government organisations it highlighted the many benefits brought to our communities by independent stores.
The initiative was primarily aimed to encourage the public to celebrate diversity on the high street and to support their local, independent retailers on July 4th, unfortunately for us we only heard of the event the day before and hadn't time to plan a concurrent event. ...
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Dalzell's of Markethill have today joined the Capital Bonds Retailer network. Capital Bonds are the UK's largest retail reward voucher scheme with some 400,000 people a year receiving reward vouchers from employers, retailers and competitions.

Darren Gas - Rally Driver
If you were out and about last weekend for The Circuit Of Ireland you may have seen our name and logo flashing past on the odd country road or two.... Unfortunately, despite our mans skill and determination, luck was not to be on his side and an engine fire at the end of Stage 1 resulted in an early retirement.
Dalzell's of Markethill and our partners Samsung
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Cheaper Than An Oil Fill!
The price of home heating oil is seemingly on an ever upward journey, stretching budgets at a time when all our finances are under pressure. Of course there are many things we can do to reduce our consumption and increase efficiency but as we all know only to well there's a limit to what one can do! There is of course a third way... Multi-Fuel and Wood Burning Stoves!
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