Dalzells Are Now On foursquare!
We’re on foursquare!
We’ve just verified our Check-in Page on foursquare, the ‘king’ of social media location sites! So if you’re on our way to us for a spot of shopping or just passing by, Check-in to say hello, view out our latest foursquare promotion or compete for the title of ‘Mayor’ of our location!
If you have any ideas as to what you would like to see there in the future please be sure to let us know on our page and be sure to tell your friends and family.
Check-in on our foursquare page today and follow what we’re up to by clicking the following link: Dalzell’s Of Markethill – foursquare
Check-in For Exclusive Promotions!
foursquare if you’re unaware is the leading location based social media site which has been designed for those on the go. It helps you keep tabs on where your friends are, share messages and tips in addition to competing in a range of fun games for great rewards.
For local businesses like us we can share our latest promotions and even freebies with foursquare users when they use the service. Why not give it a go yourself and tell us what you think. Enjoy!
We Appreciate Your Business