Lec Fridge Freezers

Lec manufacture three main types of fridge freezer: Tall Fridge Freezer, Fridge Freezer with Freezer Top and an American Style Fridge Freezer. Lec Fridge Freezers come in three colour options - white, silver and black, and have an internal storage capacity ranging from 139 to 602 litres.
Complete with a 4* rating, Les Fridge Freezers also boasts manual or adjustable thermostats, reversible doors, A+ energy ratings, automatic defrost or total no frost technology and a low noise output. The Lec Fridge Freezer with Freezer Top requires a manual defrost.
Lec American Style Fridge Freezers have a gross fridge capacity of 389L and freezer 213L capacity and feature manual thermostat, auto defrost and an A+ energy rating.