Samsung Washer Dryers

Samsung Washer Dryers

Samsung Washer Dryers

As a premier Samsung Retailer in N.I. and the Republic of Ireland, choose Dalzells of Markethill for your new Samsung Washer Dryer, all with the best deals available. Browse our online store where we have over 8000 large home and kitchen appliances, or visit our retail store where there are over 700 products on display. For Samsung, choose Dalzells.


Samsung Washer Dryers are available in a choice of colour finishes and feature state of the art technology that reduces the washing and drying time of your laundry saving you both time and money. .


GFeatures on some models include QuickDrive™, ecobubble™, Auto Optimal Wash and Bubble Soak technologies.  Samsung QuickDrive™ technology washes your clothes in up to half the time it would normally take. This is due to the unique fabric care drum which allows the detergent to get deep into the fabric, washing the clothes in less time. Samsung's efficient ecobubble™ technology is better for the environment too as it washes at cooler temperatures and you can add the 30 minute bubble soak to any programme to loosen tough stains. 

Some Samsung Washer Dryers feature an AddWash™ door. This innovative feature allows to add in that extra bit of clothing missed from the wash, extra detergent or an item for the final rinse cycle. 

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